10th Annual Oktober Fest in Elmira Heights

ELMIRA HEIGHTS, N.Y.(WENY)-- The celebration started off early as a fireworks display was set off Friday night, October 11th, to kick off the fun Oktober fest actives in Elmira Heights.
WENY News was able to meet with the Mayor of the Heights on Saturday to talk about why this celebration is so much different than other Oktober Fest celebrations. She told WENY that it is always her goal to make events such as this one family friendly, so the whole community can come out and enjoy the celebration.
"Anytime that you have something that the people can come and bring their kids and enjoy is a great event to me. We just love to have just people out and it's a busy weekend this weekend in the heights. We had fireworks last night to start off the 10th year weekend," says Margaret Smith, Mayor of Elmira Heights.
The day long celebration had face painting, food, crafts, live music, and a list of local vendors set up all down East 14th Street until 4 p.m. Despite the rain that hit the area in the morning, the celebration still continued and brought dozens of community members out.
Unfortunately, the Heights celebration was one day only but, all of the money raised by the Elmira Heights Committee will go directly towards their next event, Lights in the Heights.