ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Elmira College is hosting their annual dance marathon April 30th. The director of the marathon, Annabelle Schmitte, has high hopes for this year's goal.  

She hopes marathon members can raise $10,000 this year. The event is a student-led movement to raise money for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. 

“It's about...an eight-hour event this year,” she said. “Throughout the day, we have Miracle Hour, which is where families who have had success stories at the NICU at Arnot come and tell their story.” 

During the eight-hour long event, Schmitte said there are many activities for people to take part in. People can take part in Zumba, a scavenger hunt, Candyland-themed games, a bounce house, an ice cream social and more. The biggest activity is the final dance. 

“We learn a dance throughout the day with everyone...and at the end we perform it together as one, big family,” she said.  

Schmitte said all the money that is raised during the marathon will go directly to Arnot Ogden Medical Center. The money is used to help sick children, their families, equipment and anything else the hospital needs. 

“It will go to the Arnot Ogden Medical Center,” she said. “Their NICU and pediatric units...all the money goes to equipment they need or gas cards that they give to families who have to drive back and forth to see their babies and really anything.” 

 With the goal being $10,000, Schmitte said marathon members have quite a way to go this week. She is hopeful they will be able to meet the goal. 

“So far, we've only raised $2,000, which is about one-fifth of our goal but usually...as the event comes around, we get some...a big crowd and everyone gets excited about it,” she said.  

 Anyone can join in on the fun, Schmitte said. The event is tailored to children and families. 

“I think the biggest part is just how much it brings people together and being able to do that dance at the end and then release how much money we actually raised to everyone is super exciting,” she said.  

There's still time to sign up and donate money to the marathon.

You can register now using the link: https://events.dancemarathon.com/index.cfm... 

You can donate or give a gift here with the link: https://events.dancemarathon.com/index.cfm...