Elmira City Council tables possible homeless encampment ban
ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- In June, a Supreme Court ruling allowed cities across the country to enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outside in public places. At the Elmira City Council meeting Monday night, the topic of banning homeless encampments within city limits was up for discussion.
The proposed rule revolves around the words "camp" "camping" and "campsite". If someone sets up a campsite, with bedding or a sleeping bag, or some sort of structure, they would be in violation of this proposal. That pretty much describes homeless encampments, like the one under the Clemens Center Bridge. Council Member Gary Brinn sponsored this ordinance.
"I'd like to get the encampments clear, primarily to save the lives of the people who are in the encampments. Certainly, we have lots of constituents who complain that the encampments are a nuisance. They are a nuisance but ultimately it comes from compassion, it comes from a desire to save lives," said Brinn.
The majority of the people who showed up to speak at the meeting were against the proposal.
"I consider this proposal to be unfair, heavy handed, disrespectful, cruel and inhumane," said one person who spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting.
"People who are homeless are not problems, they are people with problems. I believe that we can do better than trying to give them more problems," said another person who spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting.
According to this ordinance, if someone is found in violation, they can be fined up to $500 and up to 90 days in jail. A second violation within 18 months carries a fine up to $1,000 and up to a year behind behind bars. First district council member Nick Grasso moved to table the resolution to discuss the proposal further. The council agreed to shelf it for now.
"There's no doubt that we have a problem here that we need to address, especially from a public safety standpoint. But the current proposed resolution wasn't it and that was very clear, especially here tonight with everybody's comments that they made," said Grasso.
It was a full house at City Hall, and Grasso said he commended everyone who came out to share their concerns. As for the proposal, there's no timeline yet as to when the matter will be up for discussion again.