HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY) -- All aboard! The train is at the station. On Saturday afternoon, the Pumpkin Express fall celebration was held in Horseheads, bringing community members and families together.

People of all ages dressed up, ate food, and enjoyed various family-friendly activities. Of course, the biggest hit of the day was the free train rides and, thanks to the Sullivan family, people were able to get on board the Pumpkin Express.

"I don't know of anywhere else where they have, like, the train right here, you know, on a site that's donated to the community to use during the Pumpkin Express event," said Beth Stranges, a member of the Chemung Sunrise Rotary Club. "The Sullivan family has been very generous in doing that and providing this every year for us, you know, to do the Pumpkin Express hosted here on their site."

Many things made it an extra special day for the kids. Including a free book giveaway from a special someone dressed up in costume.

"Yeah, I am Willy Wonka, the original Willy Wonka, and I am here today to read to the kids," said John Liquori from the Family Reading Partnership of Chemung Valley. "And so Family Reading Partnership has a tent next to the trains so as kids get on and kids get off [the train], they can read and they can hear somebody read to them."

Some members of the WENY First Warning Weather team even attended the event to give kids a chance to try being a weathercaster. Chief Meteorologist, Joe Veres attends the event annually with a green screen and some fun Halloween-themed goodies.

"We like to come out and partake in these community events," said Joe Veres, WENY's Chief Meteorologist. "A lot going on today with the Pumpkin Express and the Sullivan family and the Rotary Club. We're happy to support them and again, it's nice to see the smiles on the kids' faces. They come in, they get a little candy and they get a chance to be a meteorologist too. So they're having a lot of fun. We're having a lot of fun being here."

The Chemung Sunrise Rotary Club also provided treats like chocolate-covered pretzels by the train tracks and a cake wheel near the entryway to the event.

"It's really an opportunity for people to get out, socialize, have fun," said Stranges. "Come over here and you get a look some train rides for the kids, we've got some really fun vendors here and it's an opportunity for the rotary to really just give back to the community."

Now, Halloween is less than a week away and some people say the Pumpkin express event is a great way to kick off the spookiest day of the year.

Organizers added a chicken barbecue for this year's celebration and hope to continue adding special elements to the event each year, making it bigger and better.