Biden Delivers Farewell Address, Highlights Administration's Success and Warns about Abuse of Power

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In President Joe Biden’s farewell address, he touched on a number of topics: from where his administration had success and the dangers that lie ahead. Most of the speech centered around upholding our democracy.
“We are a nation holding a torch to the most powerful idea: all of us are created equal,” said Biden.
In a nearly 15 minute speech, he mostly focused on the importance of maintaining our democracy and our institutions because he said it is constantly being threatened or challenged.
“Our system of checks and balances may not be perfect but it's maintained our nation for nearly 250 years,” said Biden.
In his address, Biden said his administration faced tough times. He entered the presidency during one of the worst pandemics in modern history. He highlighted a few areas his administration worked on, like passing a massive infrastructure bill, reforming gun control and creating new jobs.
His four years at the White House has faced criticism: from the Afghanistan withdrawal, inflation and the immigration crisis. He also gave a few warnings.
“There's a dangerous abuse of power if it remains unchecked,” said Biden. “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America with extreme wealth and influence that literally threatens our democracy. Our basic rights and freedoms and a fair shot for everyone.”
While he didn’t name names, he aired concerns about potential abuse of power, potentially referring to incoming President Donald Trump. Biden adds we need to amend the constitution to make sure no president is immune from crimes he or she commits while in office. He said the President’s power is not unlimited and not absolute.
As a final goodbye, the 46th President said America can be defined by one word: possibilities.
“My eternal thanks to you the American people,” said Biden. “After 50 years of public service, I give you my word. I still believe in the idea of which this nation stands as a nation where the strength of our institutions and the character of our people matter and must endure. Now, it’s your turn to stand guard.”