ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The City of Elmira is working to develop its five year plan, figuring out what projects matter to the community.  On Wednesday, the city held its first public meeting to see what residents had to say.

The city receives just over a million dollars each year as part of the Community Development Block Grant.  The Department of Housing and Urban Development requires a five year plan, focusing on what the community wants to see.  That's where an online community survey comes in.  The community meetings are paired with the survey, aiming to inspire discussion.

"It's an opportunity to learn a little bit more about what people are thinking in terms of housing needs for their neighborhoods, parks, the economy really jobs," said Emma Miran, the Director of Community Development for Elmira.  "It's an opportunity to really have a one-on-one discussion, which we wouldn't get within the survey. The survey really can give us some good information and it can get to a lot of people, but this is an opportunity for us to really have a conversation."

Residents discussed a variety of topics, including enhancing downtown development, and encouraging the first time home buyer program.  One topic that came up was resources for those without housing in the city.

"I just really have been involved a lot in the community trying to get different things, especially with the housing and the homeless. I've worked with the homeless for several years now with a couple of different agencies, so I think that's a main priority," said Meg Magnusen, an Elmira resident.  "But there's also so many other things we talked about, like getting more services for the youth to do, so they have something fun to do and can be safe and be off the streets and revitalizing the houses in the town, you know, and just so many other things in general that I think would be really great for the city to improve on."

434 people have filled out this survey already, and organizers say they are hoping for more responses.  People who have filled out the survey already identified youth services, anti-crime programs, homeless shelters/services, slum and blight revitalization, and streets/sidewalk improvements among others.  The areas for priority identified were Downtown, the Eastside, and the Southside.

"We're going to be posting in March, probably around March or April some of the results from the survey and that's still an opportunity for people to provide Comments and feedback to our department," added Miran.

The next meeting is Monday, January 27th in the Law Library at City Hall from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.  The online survey is open until February 28th, and can be found here.