United Way of the Southern Tier offers free to file tax tool

SOUTHERN TIER, N.Y. (WENY) -- The United Way of the Southern Tier announced on Monday, January 27th that they have launched an affiliation with MyFreeTaxes.com to offer a free online tax filing platform. According to the United Way, most people who use the tool finish within an hour, saving themselves the $200 fee most professional filers charge.
“Taxes can be a source of confusion and stress for Americans,” said Maleaha Smith, president of United Way of the Southern Tier, in a prepared statement, adding, “Many of us are intimidated by the complexities of taxes and afraid to make a mistake that will cost money. With MyFreeTaxes, you can take advantage of all the tax credits and deductions for which you qualify.”
Available in Spanish and English, the tax tool is for state and federal taxes. It also offers guides for small business owners, gig economy workers, owners of home-based child
care centers, filers impacted by federally declared disasters and more.
For help while using the software, filers can connect with IRS-certified specialists at MyFreeTaxes’ helpline, 866-698-9435.
Chemung and Steuben county residents looking for in-person help with tax filing can dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-346-2211.