Groundhog Day: Singing, Dancing, & Phil's Prediction
PUNXSUTAWNEY, PENNSYLVANIA (WENY) -- If you've ever wondered what it's like to be in Punxsutawney, PA on Groundhog Day, we've got you covered. While people are there to see Phil, it's much more than his weather forecast.
At Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, PA, Groundhog Day is a *big* deal. Groundhog Day dates back to the late 1880s and it's a day where everyone can take things a little less seriously.
Since there are tens of thousands of people who flock to the small community, you should plan on waking up extra early to take a bus to the Knob, since the road is closed to vehicle traffic.
I got to the Walmart in Punxsutawney, one of four locations bussing people to and from Gobbler's Knob, at 3 a.m. The parking lot was at near capacity, and there were already hundreds if not easily a thousand people ahead of me in line. It took almost an hour to get on a bus, which was a quick seven-minute ride to the Knob.
The party starts at 3 a.m. and goes on until Phil comes out and makes his prediction, which is a little after 7 a.m. In the meantime, there are dancers, singers, and fireworks. People wait hours in freezing temperatures and fun outfits to see if we'll have an early spring or six more weeks of winter.
Phil is handled by men in top hats who are known as the Groundhog Club's Inner Circle. Inner Circle members help keep the party going and take care of Phil.
"It's Groundhog Day and it may be on a loop. But I miss my burrow, I miss my coop. So, I'm heading back down, there's a shadow. So, get ready for six more weeks of winter," said an Inner Circle member reading Phil's prediction. People cheered, but also booed at the news.
After the Seer of Seers made his prognostication, people could take photos with him. From there, the Gobbler's Knob slowly starts clearing out and the Punxsutawney Borough quiets down again until next year.
The gift shop was open throughout the day and accepted cash and cards. Souvenirs included Phil-themed T-shirts, hats, mugs, and more. A small selection of food and drinks, such as coffee, hot chocolate, and donuts, was also for sale.
Phil's previous predictions since 2000:
2024: Early Spring
2023: Six more weeks of winter
2022: Six more weeks of winter
2021: Six more weeks of winter
2020: Early Spring
2019: Early Spring
2018: Six more weeks of winter
2017: Six more weeks of winter
2016: Early Spring
2015: Six more weeks of winter
2014: Six more weeks of winter
2013: Early Spring
2012: Six more weeks of winter
2011: Early Spring
2010: Six more weeks of winter
2009: Six more weeks of winter
2008: Six more weeks of winter
2007: Early Spring
2006: Six more weeks of winter
2005: Six more weeks of winter
2004: Six more weeks of winter
2003: Six more weeks of winter
2002: Six more weeks of winter
2001: Six more weeks of winter
2000: Six more weeks of winter