WASHINGTON, D.C. - Christine Blasey-Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her as a teenager, is gaining more supporters tonight.

This time, more than 1,000 alumnae from her all-girl Maryland high school.

More than 1,000 women each signed a letter that was hand-delivered by three alumni of the Holton-Arms School to Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), an outspoken opponent of Kavanaugh, Thursday afternoon. Hirono will enter the letter into the Committee’s record for Kavanaugh’s confirmation process.

They say they believe Ford and want the Committee to know it.

“Her experience is consistent with experiences that we have heard, and many of us are survivors ourselves,” said Sarah Burgess, one of the Holton-Arms alumnae at the news conference held outside of Hirono’s office in the Hart Senate Office Building.

The women at Thursday’s news conference graduated from Holton-Arms in the late 1990s or 2000s and did not graduate with Ford, who graduated in 1984. But they say the letter reflects a growing number of women from the school who support Ford. They say the 1,000 signatures is considered a large number; their graduating classes consist of roughly 80-100 students.

Ford is accusing Kavanaugh of forcing himself on her at a party when she was just 15 years old and when was a student at Georgetown Prep, also in Maryland. Ford says Kavanaugh tried to take her clothes off and put his hand over her mouth when she yelled, a claim he denies and says this whole thing never happened.

Not only do the alumnae believe Ford, but they want her claims investigated by the FBI… something the white house and the justice department won’t do.

“Why isn’t Judge Kavanaugh asking for an FBI investigation if he has nothing to hide?” Gillibrand asked.

Among the other Holton-Arms alumni, West Virginia Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito, who did not sign the letter at the time of the news conference.