DRYDEN, N.Y.(WENY)-- Today was a proud day for many as the shovels officially broke ground at the Cascadilla Solar Farm at Cornell University. 79,000 solar panels are being installed that will generate over 30,000 megawatts annually. 

"Cornell uses about 1/1000th of the overall electric demand in the state of New York. So making progress here for our campus is actually making a big dent in the New York State needs and supporting New York State goals," Sarah Zemanick, Director of Campus Sustainability

What is really unique about this solar farm is how landscaping is going to be taken care of around the solar panels. Cornell University wanted to keep with the theme of sustainability. So instead of using a lawnmower, they are going to have some furry friends graze around the panels. 

"One of the nice things about solar farms is homeowners and renters of apartments and homes can participate in solar without the expensive putting rooftop panels up," says Jeffrey Mayer, CEO of Solar Farms New York

This solar farm is going to be very beneficial to not only the campus but also the entire community that uses NYSEG to power their homes. 

"The advantage of sheep is that it's less labor intensive. And, we also have an agricultural use for the land in addition to solar grazing. So it's a cool location of agriculture and reusable energy," says Mike Thonney Professor, Animal Science