CORNING, NY (WENY) -- This evening in the Corning Painted Post High School Auditorium, a panel was held looking at the future impact of children raised in poverty was hosted by Food Bank of the Southern Tier C-E-O Natasha Thompson. The panelists that took part in this presentation looked at ACE's.  ACE's are adverse childhood experiences which have a strong influence on a child's future. There are ten "Top ACE's" and some include domestic abuse, physical abuse, and divorce. A high ACE score means that someone could be at a greater risk for health issues when they get older like; heart disease, obesity, and depression among a few.

We caught up with with Laura Rossman, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives of Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc. to find out find out how a high ACE score could affect your health.

"It's not always expected but it is something that is common and I want people to know that it is not a destiny, but it's something that people should be aware of. That when you have a high ACE score you could have different health conditions in life like; health disease, obesity, smoking, mental health depression. Also, for children, if they're in a situation where they're under adverse child experiences and under toxic stress brain development forms different. So, instead of learning executive functioning skills such as planning and decision making they're always in that fight or flight so they're always in that I just need to get through the day so how can I plan for tomorrow. So, it just effects how the brain develops over time," explained Rossman.

We also talked to Rossman about how her and her agency are helping out Steuben County become aware of the issue.

"What we're doing is just trying to get everybody involved. First of all, we're doing showings of the film "Resilience" its a biology of stress and the science of hope and people can contact our agency to have a viewing of that. We are working with school districts we are working with school districts to train teacher, and we are working as an agency to train other staff on what are ACE's and how can they recognize ACE's. Then once we know, how can we be better informed and work with our families differently? In particularly when we work with students in "Head Start" we have to wonder, how can we support their social and emotional development while we have them in the classroom, and then further support the parents at home to further have that. That's how we'll help the community and generations to come," she said.

Laura also says the resilience trumps ACE's and it is something that you can build.