WASHINGTON, D.C. (WENY) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo met with President Donald Trump at the White House on Wednesday to discuss expediting infrastructure projects in New York. Cuomo later pleaded for federal funding for the states at his daily coronavirus briefing. 

Cuomo specifically spoke with President Trump about the $30 billion Gateway Tunnel Project, a Second Avenue Subway Project, and a plan to build an air train to LaGuardia Airport. Cuomo says the projects can help supercharge the economy by creating additional jobs. Regarding his meeting with the President, Cuomo says, "It was a good discussion, he understood what we were talking about, he understood what we need, and he said he's going to be thinking about it, talk to his team, and he said we'll talk next week."

After the meeting, Cuomo called on the federal government to provide funding for the states. He says, "There can not be a national recovery if the state and local governments are not funded."

Cuomo says if states economically impacted by COVID-19 do not receive federal money, they'll need to cut funding to schools, hospitals, police, and more. He added that the states most impacted represent more than one third of the national GDP. Cuomo says, "State economies, local economies: that's what the national economy is made of. What is the national economy but for a function of the states?"

Cuomo criticized what he called the hyper-partisanship in Washington, specifically the idea from some republicans that funding for states would be a "blue-state bailout". Senate Majority Mitch McConnell had published an article on his website titled, "Stopping blue state bailouts", while Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) said, "We're supposed to go bail them out? That's not right." Referring to those statements, Cuomo says, "This is really an ugly, ugly sentiment. It is an un-American response."

Cuomo pointed out New York State is the top donor state in the country, putting in $29 billion more into the federal pot than they receive, while the top 5 receiving states (Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida) are largely republican. Cuomo says, "You are the ones who have your hand out. You are the ones who are taking more than others. Redistribution: you're against it, except when the richer states give you more money every year."

Cuomo argues states need to help states, regardless of party. He says, "When Los Angeles had earthquakes, we helped. When the midwest had the Red River floods, we helped. When Florida had Hurricane Andrew, we helped. When Texas had floods, we helped. When Louisiana had Hurricane Katrina, we helped. We didn't say, 'Well that's Louisiana's fault, they had the hurricane.' 'Well that's Texas' fault, they had the floods. it was nobody's fault, and we were there to help."