HORSEHEADS, NY (WENY) -- Usually this is the time of year when fire departments visit schools and kids get shown around the fire truck and taught fire prevention and safety, but this year many departments have taken a virtual path to teach. We visited the Horseheads Fire Department to learn more about the changes this year.

"It's a little tough for this year. Unfortunately some schools this year won't allow us to come over so basically what we are doing we have a fire prevention video. We basically went over the program we usually do in the schools. We took a truck out and we showed them the different parts of it, turn the lights on, hit the siren," said firefighter Justin Grose.

Grose also said even though this year is different, the message of fire prevention week stays the same.

"The importance of Fire Safety Week is basically to teach kids and adults what to do if there's a fire in a residence and how to prevent it. how to check and change your smoke detectors," exclaims Grose.

Now that we are heading to the cold season, there is a greater chance for house fires to happen and Grose gives us a few prevention tips.

"Be careful, use the manufacturers way of using them. If you're using space heaters always make sure to turn them off when you are done with them. They are the leading causes of fires. You're dryer vents, make sure you clean your dryer vents out. Change your smoke detector batteries, you're CO detector batteries twice a year. In the Spring time and in the Fall, usually when you change your clocks."

Grose also adds to check your furnace vents and make sure everything is working properly In the unfortunate event a fire does occur in your residence, Grose says to conduct what is the "Edith" drill.

"We tell the kids all the time, it's called E-D-I-T-H, exit drills in the home. You basically, get low to the ground and you feel your doors. If your door's hot then obviously don't open it, go to your second exit whether it'd be a window or something. If you're on a second story, then throw something out the window, a sheet or something, so we know you're there. If it's safe to go, exit your house as quick as you can staying low to the ground. Close the doors behind you because the air can make the fire bigger, and then when you are outside go to a meeting point. Dial 9-1-1 and obviously no one should go back inside of a fire."

For a link to the Horseheads Fire Department fire safety video, click here.