Community Strong: Rhonda Spencer

(WENY) -- This week's nominee for WENY's Community Strong segment is Rhonda Spencer.
Rhonda was nominated by Julia Moss, who says Rhonda is "one of the most genuine people I know".
"Her love for others is tremendous and goes unrecognized," writes Julia. "Her desire to see others succeed is one of her passions. Her love for God is such a testimony to me and countless others. During a time of such uncertainty in may people’s lives due to this pandemic, she has remained steady in this storm because her roots run deep in her faith in God and his word. She gets the award for the most encouraging social media platform during COVID. Her words are not fear serving or confrontational. She is an example to so many. Thank you Rhonda Spencer for being a vessel to spread peace in this stormy season."
If you know of someone doing good in the community, submit your nomination at All that's required is a photo of the nominee and a brief description.
Every Wednesday evening at 6:00, WENY will highlight a new person bringing some light into our community during these uncertain times.
Community Strong is sponsored by Valicenti Advisory Services.