Weekly Finger Lake water temperature update

While we aren't in official summer quite yet, it is never too early to see how warm the water is around the Finger Lakes.
Generally, most of the lakes have water temperatures are in the low-to-mid 60s. Which is a bit chilly, but the lakes have warmed up since last week, where most were in the upper-50s.
We start with Cayuga Lake, where current water temperatures are around 63° F, which is up from 60° just last week.
Seneca Lake is up to 62°, up four degrees from last week. Keuka Lake is seeing readings in the mid-60s, with the most recent temperature coming in at 66°, a four degree jump.
Owasco Lake has temperatures nearing 70°, after being in the low 60s last week.
Finally, Skaneateles Lake has a current temperature of 63°, a jump of about three degrees.
It is important to note that water readings will differ depending on the location of measurement, but most of the water in the lakes will generally be around what was measured.
Enjoy the weekend and be safe on the water!