Inspire Cheerleaders Prepare for The One Finals

HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY) -- The Inspire cheerleading squad from Horseheads is heading to Orlando, Florida next week. They will be competing against 550 other teams in The One Finals.
Two teams from Inspire Cheer are cheered at The L to show the community what they have been working for. The teams showcased their finished routines. Head coach Cindi Coats said her girls have been practicing this routine for over four months to prepare for the finals.
“In order to be able to go to this competition, you have to perform a two-and-a-half-minute routine at a competition and place in the top one or two spots at that competition,” she said. “Both of our teams did that.”
Coats said her cheerleaders found out they were headed to the finals at a Shout competition in Niagra Falls. They have been celebrating and preparing ever since.
“Both teams qualified that weekend and it was pretty exciting,” she said. “They both got the call that they're invited to The One.”
12-year-old Alorah Burns is one of the cheerleaders that will be competing in the younger squad, Team Inspire. Burns said she is excited and has been mentally preparing herself.
“I tell myself to not get so nervous because it's only two minutes and 30 seconds long so it'll be easy,” she said. “And just to...count in my head to get my mind off the worries.”
Some of the girls competed in the finals last year and were shocked at the level of competition. This year, they feel confident and ready.
“This year, they're really becoming the leaders and helping everyone else to know what to expect,” Coats said. “It's also the first time they'll compete two days in a row.”
Coats is proud of her girls and all of the work they have put in to this year's cheer season.
“The fight they have in them, that they continue to come in weekdays after school, Sundays and they put in the work,” she said.
The Inspire cheerleaders will compete on April 30th and May 1st in The One Finals.