WELLSBORO, PA (WENY) - The owners of Pop's Culture Shoppe in Wellsboro is hosting its first-ever comic con in August.

Wellsboro Comic Con will take place on August 13th and 14th, at various locations around downtown Wellsboro. Pop's Culture Shoppe owner Julian Stam said he and his wife Anja began discussing the event to commemorate their shop's 10th anniversary.

"It all came out of a comic book hobby of mine originally, and we had this opportunity to bring in Roy Thomas, and he is the creator of Wolverine and Ghost Rider and was the Marvel Comics editor back in the 70's with Stan Lee, and we said 'Let's do it!' and created Wellsboro Comic Con," Stam explained. 

The event runs from 10AM - 5PM on Saturday, August 13th and from noon to 5PM on Sunday, August 14th. The con features a variety of panels, signings, family-friendly activities, a cosplay contest, arts and crafts, workshops and more taking place across town, from the Deane Center for the Performing Arts, to the Green Free Library among other locations.

For a full list of events, locations, and ticket sales, visit https://wellsborocomiccon.com/. Tickets can be purchased for either day of the con, or the entire weekend. A VIP ticket is also available. 

For more information on Pop's Culture Shoppe, visit https://popscultureshoppe.com/