BURDETT, NY (WENY) -- This week in wine country, sponsored by Finger Lakes Wine Country, we're checking out a new business offering boat tours and an up close experience with Hector Falls.

Falling Waters Boat Tours is operated by Captain Fred Grabosky, a USCG licensed boat operator. He takes guests out for personalized tours on his 195 Stingray, highlighting the area's history, scenic landscape, vineyards and estates that dot the eastern shore of Seneca Lake.

Boat tours are 1.5 or 2.5 hours; when guests arrive back on land, they will be ushered to a private natural shale patio that abuts to lower Hector Falls, for stunning views and complimentary locally-produced cheese and wine. 

Captain Fred said it's all about creating an exclusive experience you can't get anywhere else. Tours can accommodate up to six people on the boat, and are available for adults and children ages 10 and up.

Reservations for tours can be made online, or by calling 607-444-2428. 

To learn more about Falling Waters Boat Tours, click here

Courtesy: Falling Waters Boat Tours