HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY) -- Certain fireworks are legal for residential use in New York and Pennsylvania. Even though they are legal, that doesn't mean they are safe. 

“In 2020 there were over 15,000 fireworks injuries in the U.S. that required an emergency room visit, and 44% of those were burns. So definitely it can happen, and it can happen quickly,” said Dirk Wheeler, assistant chief for the Town and Country Fire Department. 

Assistant Chief Wheeler recommends if you are using fireworks at home, to use them on a flat surface, away from any houses or buildings. If a firework hits a house, a fire can start instantly, and the damage could be irreversible. It’s especially important to clean up the firework properly after use. 

“After you use them, even when you think they're out, they should be doused in a water bucket for at least 24 hours,” said Assistant Chief Wheeler. 

Wheeler warns that firework accidents can happen anywhere and to anyone, and to make sure you know the risks before using them. He also has some other recommendations for some safe July 4th fun that don't involve fireworks at home.

 “We recommend going to public displays that are put on by professionals.  We don't recommend fireworks displays at home.  If you want to do something at home, safer alternatives would be glowsticks, party poppers, silly string, things of that nature,” said Wheeler. 

If you want to watch a firework show put on by professionals, you can find a list of shows in our area here