ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Glenn Bright had a passion for giving back to the community. Bright took each paycheck, as a chef at ILL Eagle Taphouse, Elmira, to feed or donate to his community. 

“He was a chef here at this restaurant where we are at now, and what he made, he donated back to the community," Zandra Bright, Mom to Glenn. "He would ask his boss how much he made, how much he had coming and come commission, and he would go right to the grocery store and buy food and cook it up and serve it in the community.” 

Sunday, July 9th's brunch shared the proceeds would go towards the funeral and the Economic Opportunity Program (EOP) of Chemung County. EOP provides services in areas like family and child development, after-school programs, and rehab services.  

“He was a big part of the community and it's just amazing. We fed over 60 people from off the street yesterday, just, just locally, up locally, locally, locally. We went over there, just stood in his neighborhood," added Bright. 

Bright passed away from medical complications at the age of 49. The family looks to keep Glenn’s legacy alive by giving it back to the community.