NY Attorney General James visits Ithaca
ITHACA, N.Y. (WENY) -- “AG in Your Community” is a new initiative coming from the New York Attorney General's Office. Attorney General Letitia James made the first stop in Ithaca on Thursday, July 13th.
The goal of the initative is to make state government more accessible to the people it serves. Several dozen people showed up to the Greater Ithaca Activities Center to voice their concerns.
“We're here to demystify the office of the attorney general. It's important that the government bring their services to the people directly, and that's what I've always wanted to do. This is our inaugural event, we'll be doing it all over the state of New York, bringing services to individuals, and of course I want to expand it as well,” said New York State Attorney General Letitia James.
Hot button topics like housing, employee wages, and consumer fraud were all up for discussion. People gathered at the GIAC to talk to AG James directly, as well as members of her team and local government officials. The GIAC was thrilled to host an initiative for change.
“We are so pleased that the AG has decided to do this. That's what we want our government to do, be amongst the people. We hope that it will continue,” said Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, executive director of the Greater Ithaca Activities Center.
Attorney General James says she hopes this will turn into an annual event, and plans to host more events across the state of New York.