BINGHAMTON, N.Y (WENY)--  Thousands are expected to gather in Punxsutawney, Pa for Groundhog Day. Traditions go back the 1800s and if Phil, the groundhog, sees his shadow, we will have six more weeks of winter. If not, expect an early start to spring. 

In 2022 and 2023, Phil predicted six more weeks of winter. While his predictions were correct in 2022, he was not so lucky last year. How accurate is Phil?

''He has been predicting 107 continued winters when he sees his shadow and only 20 early springs when he does not see his shadow-since 1887. Looking back, NOAA ran some statistics and he seems to be accurate 40% of the time , said Michael Murphy -lead meteorologist at National Weather Service.

These predictions are generalized and made for the entire country. Consequently, average temperature could be below average for much of winter for much of the country, but above average in your area.

'' We are expecting a mild start to February to be followed by below average temperatures during the second half of the month,'' said Michael Murphy. 


Winter typically runs through March in our area. However, as March can be considered a transition month, the weather could go either way. We will see what Punxsutawney Phil has to say later on this week.