Arnot Health raises Donate Life flag to honor organ donors

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- April is Donate Life month in honor of organ donation and the lives that have been impacted. Arnot Ogden Medical Center held a flag raising earlier today to punctuate their support of organ donation.
In collaboration with the Finger Lakes Donor Recovery Network, Arnot Health is celebrating national donor month by raising the Donate Life flag. The Donate Life flag was raised today outside the AOMC as April nears to a close. Arnot Health wants to recognize donors for their bravery and selflessness for their lifesaving gifts.
"It's very special when a family can join us and thank the individuals that participated in that donation and to recognize them, and to have a letter from the recipient to share that back with the family and how they're living today because of that legacy they received," said Catherine Luchsinger, the Chief Nursing Officer of Arnot Health.
Across the nation over 100,000 people are waiting for necessary organ transplants, 8,000 of them reside in New York State. Over two million tissue transplants occur nationwide yearly, citing the high demand for organ donation.
"There's hope, and I'm hopeful that we can continue to maximize donation and make sure that we're giving every single family that opportunity so they can have that added impact to their loved one's legacy," remarked Macy MacDonald, a Hospital Development Specialist
The program has impacted many close to home including Devon Tennant, a social worker at Arnot, who's father donated organs after his passing. Arnot is keen to continue honoring and supporting those who help give life in the face of tragedy. "The team here in the ICU - social workers, nurses, and doctors all worked very well with us as a family to make that decision and talked us through the process and what that looks like, and Donate Life was huge in making that happen as well. So we went through the screening process and ultimately we were able to donate his kidneys to two families in need," said Tennant.
Anyone at or over the age of 16 is able to join the New York State Donate Life Registry. Options to enroll are presented when applying or renewing for a driver's license and when completing a voter registration form.