STEUBEN CO, N.Y. (WENY) -- The ninth annual Police Week began to wrap up Friday night in Steuben County with a memorial service that honored the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. The ceremony highlighted the courage and dedication of the fallen officers nationally and in the Southern Tier, offering a heartfelt 'thank you' to those who protected the community.

"We recognize that the words we say here, the action we take here can never fill the hole in the heart of our loved ones lost," shared New York State Representative, Phil Palmesano. 

The week-long memorial started nine years ago to symbolize the community's support for law enforcement at home and nationwide. Steuben County Pastor Mike Kelly read a listen of fallen officers, followed by an officer ringing a bell in their honor.

"We've built on the park every year and added to it and we continue to do fundraisers for that purpose so that we can honor those folks that are on that list over there that again went to work one day and never came home," said Steuben County Sheriff Jim Allard. 

Sheriff Allard noted that his research found that 10% of fallen officers nationwide were from New York State, with gunfire and automobile crashes being the most common causes of death in the line of duty.

During the memorial service, four wreaths were placed in front of the audience and American Flag, and an officer saluted the wreath.. Additionally, the legion of riders came to protect people, and the Corning Legion VFW performed a 21-gun salute and Taps. The community in attendance sat quietly and respectfully honored every minute of the memorial service in silence.

"I think you're going to have a good cross-section of the community," says Former United States Representative Joe Sempolinski. "You have folks who are in law enforcement, you have folks who are the family members of law enforcement, you have public officials myself, former public official, and just people from the community Because this is a community that really supports our law enforcement and you see that here every year." 

National Police Officer Peace Day took place on May 15th and the whole week honoring current and past officers runs from May 12th through May 18th.