WASHINGTON, D.C. - The US House of Representatives approved a bipartisan resolution calling on the Taliban to release Ryan Corbett. Corbett is a husband and a father from Western New York. He’s been held by the Taliban since August 2022.We spoke with Corbett's family about this about the resolution and the latest on his release.  

“I had my eighth call with him this last Sunday and it lasted only six minutes but it was hard, he told me I wouldn't recognize him,” said Anna Corbett, Ryan’s wife.  

In the 670 days that Ryan has been detained by the Taliban, Anna has only had a few minutes to speak with him.  

“He is deteriorating,” said Anna. “His ears are constantly ringing, his eyesight is fading, his skin is like crocodile skin. He is not well emotionally or physically and its scary that it’s going to be too late to bring him home alive.” 

The Corbett's lived in Afghanistan for years up until the Taliban's reemergence in August 2021. Ryan returned next august to help train workers and check in on a business he helped create but he was detained by the Taliban without being charged with a crime.  

“This whole situation is very much an outrage,” said Rep. Dan Meuser (R- PA).  

Rep. Meuser is among the dozens of congressional members co-sponsoring a resolution calling for Ryan's release.  

“It's a signal to the State Department and to the Biden administration and to the Taliban that the United States Congress treats this very seriously,” said Rep. Meuser.  

Rep. Meuser said while the Biden administration has been active in talks with Qatar to help with his release, he believes the administration should do more.  

“I'm not satisfied, they’ve been active but nowhere near enough,” said Rep. Meuser. “To the Corbett's: keep up the faith and we are certainly in the fight with you.” 

Anna said their family feels encouraged by the resolution and hopes the White House takes notice.  

“Our family desperately needs Ryan home alive and the Hill is communicating through this House resolution through the Senate resolution that Ryan matters,” said Anna. “And I think the White House needs to pay attention to that and ride this momentum of attention on Ryan's case and act quickly before its too late.” 

Rep. Meuser adds he is looking to craft legislation that would prohibit any funds going to Afghanistan until all American hostages are released. 

New York Rep. Marc Molinaro (R- NY) sent us this statement about Ryan and the resolution: 

“Ryan Corbett is an American hero and a New Yorker. He’s one of us. Now, Ryan is being wrongfully detained by the Taliban and living in brutal conditions. I stand with Ryan, his wife Anna, his entire family, and Congresswoman Tenney, in calling for his immediate release. Bring Ryan home.”